Use the opportunity to jerk off to free online porn.

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to get off to online porn in your room.

You walk into your room, closing and locking the door behind you as you enter. You pull your shirt over your head and fish into your pocket for your phone. You pull it out and flop onto the bed on your back. Within seconds you have the website up, and you're scrolling the endless supply of free gay porn online.

You wonder what to pick. Coach and football player? Glory hole action? Hot, muscle-y dudes? Big penis, tight asshole? You wonder what to watch as you scroll before deciding. You type "virgin & aggressive top" into the search bar and wait for the results.

The first few are sponsored videos, and a couple of the next ones are way to small to be actual videos of substance. However, you see a video that may do the trick and select it.

Despite the vid being made by a pretty reputable and well-known porn producer, the beginning is a bit blurry as it flashes the title and disclaimers. Suddenly, your stomach sinks as you realize something. You think you recognize one of the people sitting on the black couch.

You instantly pause the video. What do you do?

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