Try to throw the girl off of your back

From Create Your Own Story

You attempt to throw the girl off your back but find that you're not strong enough to budge her much at all. She pulls at your hair and continues to grind your face into the floor. Suddenly you feel yourself peeing, the girl's weight on your back and your fear prevent you from stopping it at all. The girl doesn't notice this at all and begins punching you in the back and sides, causing you to yelp loudly.

Above you, you hear someone yelling at the girl to stop and get off you. As you look up to see who it is, the girl is ripped off of your back by the strong-looking girl who had been yelling at her. The second girl looks about two years older than you. When you look at her you get the impression that she's your RA. Your RA holds the girl against the wall, still yelling at her as you sit up and look around.

Nobody else came out to see the fight, which is fortunate for both you and the first girl because you both look pretty pathetic. She has broken down into tears and is bawling as the RA holds her against the wall, clearly attempting to avoid contact with her soaked pajamas. You are sitting on the floor, looking a mess due to the beating you received, your pants which had somehow been pulled down during the fight do little to cover your obviously wet diaper.

The RA finally gets control of herself and stops yelling. She pauses for a moment as she looks at you and the girl. She then yanks you up from the floor, pulling you to your feet and pulling up your pants up quickly, causing them to compress your diaper into your skin giving you a strange warm and wet squishy feeling.

"Come with me," the RA says, seeming much calmer now. "You two can explain yourselves in my room."

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