Try to hitchhike.

From Create Your Own Story

With one arm still shielded across your exposed chest, you stood on the side of the road and hiked up one thumb. Several cars whizzed by without so much as slowing down. One car even honked at you as the front seat passenger stuck his head out the window to wolf-whistle. You picked up a roadside gravel and hurled it at that jerk with a frustrated grunt, but missed by a whole mile. You start to feel really dejected. Just then, a bright red pickup truck slowed down and rolled over in front of you. You quickly sprinted over to the driver's side window.

"Hi there, little lady." A sweaty, heavy-set man with a face full of unshaven stubble and messy, dark blonde locks peered out at you. "Need a ride?"

Hitch a ride with this man.

Try to hitch a different ride.

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