Try to get both toads out

From Create Your Own Story

Frantically, you bend an arm backwards, trying to slip some fingers into your anus and grab at the toad that just entered your rear entrance, but it has already forced itself well-inside. You grope inside your vagina futilely with your other hand, while your fingers barely make any meaningful progress up your ass. You just can't seem to manage to do anything but stimulate yourself more.

With the last vestiges of your sanity ebbing away, you violently rock your hips back and forth, shaking your lower body in an attempt to dislodge or otherwise vex the toads, but you only really feel their vibrations amplified, as waves upon waves of pleasure overwhelm you. You lie on the ground gasping in a near catatonic bliss, as yet several more toads manage to wiggle their way into your orifices and lay their eggs. Your body writhes and contorts in pleasure as consciousness slips away from you...

You wake up groggily some time later, perhaps less than an hour or so after that ordeal. The night still seems young, and you shiver, your stark naked body being exposed to the cold forest floor and chill night air. You recall some black-tailed toads had entered your body, and you quiver with some residual excitement thinking about what you can remember from the experience, but aside from your pussy and ass feeling a bit sore, you think you feel pretty normal. You briefly wonder: was it a dream? Seeing as you are completely naked and alone in these woods, probably not.

Shakily, you manage to stand and decide to:

Wander the forest aimlessly

Make Camp

Call out for help.

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