Try to escape from the thugs

From Create Your Own Story

You turn and try to make a break for it, only to discover more thugs blocking your way. Somebody forces you down on your knees, and all you see is cocks...

Then it's all a blur.


You finally come to your senses, bleary-eyed and completely worn out. After laying there for a moment, you open your eyes, wincing a bit at the light. You discover you're laying in the alley, still, which is a bit surprising. You'd think they would have whisked you away to an unknown location.

As you sit up, you realize your mouth, pussy, and ass are quite sore. You feel like you were fucked for hours. Then you look down at yourself, and decide you most definitely were.

Your heels are missing, and your skirt and blouse are tattered messes. Your blouse is missing all of its buttons, and is crudely torn off just beneath your breasts. Since it was small enough that you couldn't fasten any buttons past the bottoms of your breasts, you have no way of closing it, and your breasts are fully exposed. There are several other rips and tears in it as well. Even in your current state of mind, you have to admit the remnants of your blouse do frame your full breasts nicely.

Your skirt didn't fare much better. As you stand you discover its zipper is damaged. It'll stay on you, but just barely. It's also been torn off at an angle from its hem on the right side to just below your hip on the left. You're pretty sure your pussy is visible from the front.

You're also liberally covered in half-dried cum. It's in your hair, covers your nipples, in your cleavage, and you can see more leaking from your pussy and ass as you sit up. There's even cum on your legs and feet. Trying to remember, you guesstimate about 20 guys used you while you were zonked out.

You check your pockets, discovering your wallet is missing. Thankfully, the thugs missed your apartment keys.

You decide you've had enough of this and you should perhaps head for home. Problem is, it's daylight, your clothes are doing nothing to cover you, and you've got gallons of jizz on you. You consider your options.

There's a used-clothing store about a half-mile up the street. It's run-down, and the owner is known for his tendency to sell anything he gets, no matter its condition. The police station's a bit farther off, but you think you can either make it there, or flag an officer down beforehand, if you want to report this. As for going home, you can either take your chances on the street, or maybe attempt to find your way home through the sewers.

How do you go about this?

Health Horny, Hormonal, and very sore Location:

An Alleyway

MP 0
Level 1
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