Tread carefully

From Create Your Own Story

As the bat burglar made her way through the broken down corridor she suddenly felt a hard pull on her sneaking suit. She turned her head to see her precious skintight suit caught against one of the sharp metal beams she tried to avoid. "Oh no. Come on, anywhere but here!" The white furred thief cursed under her breath. She had hoped that maybe if she could just back away slowly and unhook the bottom of her suit he could be free without any problems. However the bat girl forgot about the piece of ruble she just step over. She tripped and with a loud RIPPPPP sound she realized there was no chance of walking out of her clothed. Rouge fell on the metal floor. Her sneaking suit in shreds, handing on the metal beam. She was almost completely naked, only in her boots and gloves. She sighed to herself in frustration.

She had two options

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