Toy soldier

From Create Your Own Story

You point to one of the group of toy soldiers marching in a standard formation. "Koromon!" you shout. "Attack one of them!"

"Yosh (Alright)!" it exclaim with naive zealousness, quickly following your order by hopping its way to the group while inhaling a stream of air into its mouth. Upon nearing the line of soldiers at the back of the formation, it jumps up in the air and take aim on one of the toy soldiers it wants to attack. "Acid Bubbles!"

"Stop!" cries out a voice. But it is too late as the stream of bubbles hit the group. The entire group, not just one of them, despite Koromon's aim on the single target.

You turn around to see who voiced out just now. There, standing a few yards behind you is the large teddy bear guardian of this town, Monzaemon. You would be shaking in fear right now if it looks angry at it steps towards you, but the expression on its face seems to be merely a worried one rather than any kind that suggests hostility or wrath. You wonder why it looks that way.

Then, when you turn back, you learn the reason. The soldiers Koromon attacked are no longer there. Instead, standing in their place are a group of gladiator-like humanoids. Their overly rounded shapes make them seem like they are not part of your species, so they are most probably Digimon.

Also, the expression on their face does make you shake in fear, as they suggest much anger indeed.

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