Throw the ring back into the pond where it belongs?

From Create Your Own Story

As you continue to fish you can't help but think of the ring more and more. Soon the ring is the only thing that is on your mind. Slowly all thoughts of your mother, fishing, even where you came from filter from your mind. This ring consumes your thoughts entirely.

Soon you begin to hear a voice calling your name. You look around but no one is there. The voice grows louder. As it calls you realize that the voice is no where around you; but in your own head. The voice of evil. The voice of the ring. Louder and louder the voice booms in your ears before it feels like it's screaming into your eardrums. It wants you to put it on you can feel it. As madness sets in to produce the ring from your pocket. Slowly the handkerchief falls away to reviel the gold ring. Now the beckoning voice seems to emanate from the piece of jewelry.

"This can't be happening..." You whisper in despair to the trees. They seem to laugh at your agony. Frantically you look around longing for help. Longing for someone to take you away from this darkness. But no one comes. No one is around to save you. You're all alone; and the ring knows is.

"Put it on... you know you want to..." The ring hissed into your ear. It was as if you could feel the breath on your neck as it spoke. You find that, as the ring speaks, you do want to put the ring on your finger. This feeling begins to grow until it feels like if you do not comply to the ring's demands your very life will be taken.

"NO!!" You scream into the air as you take the ring from your pocket. As the ring sits in your hand the voice gets louder. It's still beckoning for you to place the ring on your finger. Snarling you stand in the boat, cock back your arm, and throw the ring as hard as you can out and back into the lake. Hopefully now the ring will stay away.

Still, you can hear the voice call to you as you try and continue gathering fish. Its in your head. Angrily you stop your fishing trip and storm back to shore. Maybe it would be best if you went home to get some rest...

I'm afraid this is the end of your adventure.

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