Three teenage boys step out in the open and grin at you

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked and Dripping

You step out of the water and start walking towards your clothes. But before you can reach them, three teenage boys step out towards you. All of them are dressed only in Speedos, and all of them are sporting impressive hard-ons. You wonder how lomg they've been watching you.

As they approach, you realize they look identical... except for the colored stripe in their hair. All of them have short blond hair and toned, muscular physiques, but one has a green-dyed stripe down the center of his hair, one has a blue-dyed stripe and one has a red-dyed stripe.

You do an obvious double-take. "I'm seeing triple!" you gasp.

"Not at all," replies the boy with the green-dyed hair. "Meet the McCaskill triplets! I'm Andy." He gestures to the boy with the blue stripe. "This is Sandy." Finally he indicates the boy with the red stripe. "And this is Randy."

You gawk, open-mouthed, as the triplets surround you. You stammer out your name as six hands begin tenderly caressing your body. That's the last coherent sound you're able to make as three tongues begin running over your flesh. You moan with pleasure and your pussy begins juicing up at the stimulation on your body. Your legs start to weaken underneath you.

As you begin to sink to the ground, your pleasure sensors overloaded, six strong young arms catch you. You are lifted into the air and laid softly down on the grassy bank near the pond's edge. Three Speedos come off and three hard cocks spring free. You lick your lips in anticipation.

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