Thank her and enter Mr. Clark's office.

From Create Your Own Story

"Thank you very much!" You smiled.

As you enter into the office, you immediately hear a male voice.

"Close the door behind you, please." Mr. Clark sat at his desk in the center of a small room. A single window behind his desk has the blinds closed.

"Thank you again for giving me a chance." You said while closing the door. As you approach his desk, you notice that he might not be as old as you imagined when you spoke with him over the phone. You had pictured him to be a middle-aged or older man, but he seems to be in his late twenties to mid-thirties. His squarish chin freshly shaven and his dark golden hair neatly combed to the side. Once you reach his desk, he carefully studies you up and down with his piercing blue eyes.

"Welcome, you must be Alexis." He said with a slight smirk across his face. You suddenly have a very uneasy feeling, even though Mr. Clark seems be to much nicer in person. "Please, have a seat."

As you sat down across from him, he slides a glass of water in your direction, the smirk still hanging across his face.

"You're probably quite thirsty. Please, have a drink."

"Oh, umm...thank you." Not wanting to offend him, you accept it with a smile. Actually, you ARE a little thirsty from all that nervous sweating.

"Well then, ready to show how committed you are?" His smirk grew a little wider.

"Yes! Please! I'm ready!" You responded with much enthusiasm, not noticing him fidgeting with something in his hands under the desk.

"First, here's what I need you to do." He instructed. "Stand up, and come around to my side of the desk."

Slightly confused, you hesitate a bit before complying. When you got around, you gasp in horror as you saw his pants zippers wide open, and a long and hardened piece of flesh sticking out.

"You want the job, right?" His voice suddenly became more commanding. "Get on your knees and get to work!"

Get on your knees.

Knee this perv in the balls!

Tell him no and run outta there.

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