Tell him not to come in and quickly get dressed

From Create Your Own Story

You pull your underwear on a stuff you hard cock back into you tight white underwear and pull your jeans on too. Quickly compose yourself and open your bedroom door and look downstairs to the hallway. He is half way up the stairs

‘I have a big package here I need someone to sign for kiddo’ he says You laugh a little thinking you have a rather big package you're trying to hide in your jeans yourself ‘ sure Hank no problem ‘ you say walking down stairs and signing your name on the big bears clip board ‘This is all yours then kiddo ‘ he says with a smile and points to a large brown parcel on the floor ‘see you late Jake ‘ He leaves and you look at the box think it must be something you parents ordered online, but then you notice the label with the address on it is smudged the number is a 113 that's now looks like an 118 (118 being your house number) his package isn’t for you or your family at all, it’s for a Mr. Newgate that lives a few doors down the street. Do you:

Just leave the parcel for your parents to deal with and decide go for a drive to the beach

open the package and a have a look at what’s inside

take the package to the correct address

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