Tell her that if she removes the collar, you'll use the lube

From Create Your Own Story

"You're getting it up the ass," you purr in the ear of the terrified young woman you're pinning on her stomach on your bed. "But if you take this collar off, I'll use the lube first. If you don't, it'll be a lot more painful for you."

"Please, please, don't," she babbles.

"Decide quickly," you tell her harshly. You let her up so that she can reach the key, but you don't let go of her wrist. She's just barely able to reach it. She tries again, futilely, to pull away, but you yank her back so that she lands back on your bed again, still holding the key. You pin her down with your body as you take the key from her and unlock the collar from around your neck.

Hm. It occurs to you that she didn't actually keep her side of the bargain; she kept trying to get away.

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