Talk:No he doesn't need to worry

From Create Your Own Story

Hey Victus I basically stopped coming to this site then checked it back on a whim... I really loved the sissy fox storyline and am really happy to see you continuing it! Would really love if you did do the choice where he reveals his panties to the boss and she's into it, also would really love to see the ""Foxy Femme"" preferably in the arc where Jamie kidnaps the MC but the following choice wouldnt be bad either -Gren2

Hey thanks for the reply really glad to see somebody enjoys it, like you I just hopped back on and just felt a kick to start writing, don't know when I'll get back to it as progress really depends on how I'm "Swinging" that day, that and my work schedule has been royaly messing up my drive for it lately, so it'll just be a matter of time before I get back to it, anyway like i said I'm glad to see someone enjoying my self indulgence and frankly I'm surprised somebody even read it and enjoyed it enough to even tell me they did so thanks -Victus

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