TSRM- Call her on her bluff?

From Create Your Own Story

With the game already in the first few seconds you make quick work of picking up a massive machine gun, from the size alone you're sure that in real life it would blow your hands off with its recoil but hey its a video game. Wielding the massive motherfucker; literally mother fucker is sprayed on the side of the barrel, the sight makes you laugh but you don't get distracted by it. Jumping from cover to cover you across the room in search of Nicole, with the idea of invisibility on your mind keeps you sharp as she could take you out at any second, the action of such a skill seems rather cheap but hell if it isn't damned effective at killing.

Shifting in and out of room you eventually spot Nicole's character as she leaves from the room, quickly on her tail you eventually go up a few flights of stairs until you find yourself on a high rise walk way that is hover above the rest of the map, looking below you can see the rest of map, looking as though you miles up, how you ever got this high in the first place you will never now. Taking a glance around you this area seems too be pretty empty of any cover over than the railing which guides you from fallen off. Though you could still jump from here if you so choose to, you are sure that the fall damage would kill you. Running across the bridge, you are about half way there when the booming sound of a sniper reverberates across the map. Moments later, a bullet blasts through the shoulder of your character making your screen grow red.

"Got you mother fucker."

"So you know I have the machine gun?" You laugh as she shakes her head a the bad joke.

Wildly firing off a few shots off in hopes that you will strike something, your controller vibrates like crazy making your hands shake with at least some comparison of what the real thing might feel like, the rumbling makes it even harder to fire so you give up. Ducking behind the low wall you look up too see Nicole standing at the other entrance too the walkway her sites trained on you. At this point there is no way that your going to get out of this, the one shot took most of your health out and one final shot will finish you off.

"You're mine." She grin evilly as her finger is about to press down on the fire button, if you don't do something fast its game over for you.

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