TOR: Familiarity

From Create Your Own Story

Your heart skips a beat as your serene aura spikes at the sudden overwhelming realization washing over you. Yes, his aura is unmistakable. It's your son, Theron's twin. You gave him away to be trained as a Jedi when he was a child, although separately from Theron to avoid suspicion. You haven't seen him in years. While Theron turned out not to be Force-sensitive, it seems the opposite can be said for him, as you can feel his untapped potential and power in the Force -- far exceeding that of a normal Padawan. You pause a moment, as you pretend to still be deep in meditation while you process this new found information and think about how to react.

Your eyes flutter open as you come to the conclusion that bursting out with sentiment would only serve to destabilize you, and risk someone hearing. Nobody can know that he's your son. The question is however, does he sense that she is his mother?

You are:
Satele Shan
Old Republic

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