Suppress your emotions and start eating the vagrants

From Create Your Own Story

Your pangs of empathy are only a momentary distraction and you shake them off easily. Those feelings are irrelevant, an atavistic remnant of your former self which only serve to divert you from your true path. You're a Darwinian masterpiece, a true hunting and killing machine. Why should some notions of sympathy stop you from fulfilling your need?

Your first victim is an filth-covered old man who clearly has some kind of mental illness. He's easy pickings. You take him one night when he wanders off to take a piss. Approaching him from behind, you cover his mouth to muffle his screams with one hand, using the other to hold him in your vice-like grip while take a huge bite out of his neck. For the first time in what feels like forever you're able to satisfy the gnawing hunger inside of you and without any nasty police officers to interfere.

You discover that your victims will rise from the dead just as you did, The old man's corpse returning to life within less than a day, and though it has your undead strength it lacks your intelligence, possibly due to your having consumed a large portion of his brain. You also discover that the old man's corpse responses to your commands, obedient as a slave. Soon enough you feed upon all of the vagrants and their corpses have risen, all with the same slavish obedience as the first one.

Now with your own little army at your beck and call, you'll be to go to the surface with some measure of safety. You could go up into the city and exact your revenge on the people who drove you down here in the first place, or you could take the sewers to the outskirts of the city then into the suburbs where the pickings will be easy. Then again, you could always stay put in the relative safety of the sewers.

Where do you wish to lead your army?

Stay here in the sewers

Up into the city

Out into the suburbs

You are: A zombie
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