
From Create Your Own Story

You arrive in Sunderfall by ship - The Star's Tear, more commonly referred to as the Tear, a sturdy, but old ship with uncomfortable cabins that induces a lingering sense that it might collapse any time, but it's never failed you before. The Tear sways a bit as it's directed onto land, and you're more than relieved to see land. Beyond the beach, there are fields of green that stretch past your vision.

You are a human, barely 19, with brown locks framing your face and a pair of curious emerald ovals, deep-set and sagacious. You have a relatively dark skin complex, somewhat rare among many pale peers. You're an ambassador, newly-appointed and uprooted from the comforts of a home among your own kind, and set to a demon-occupied city. You've never seen Sunderfall before, and you haven't been trusted with any more information than you needed to know before you departed.

You chat idly to your friend, Blake, a demon himself, as the crew anchors the Tear. He looks on to the green fields with mild annoyance, then turns back at you, suddenly silent.

"Try not to run into faes," He advises you, a grin carved into his features. "They're rather irritable and don't take kindly to anybody."

"You have faes?"

"They're the minority in Sunderfall, and frankly, we don't like them." He rubs a finger upon one of his horns, drawing a sigh. You hear yourself being called to exit the Tear, but you don't see any movement from any of the other passengers. They appear unsettled as you pass by them and are eventually escorted onto land.

Blake gives you a wave and disappears from view.

The sand looks like sand, but doesn't quite feel like something you'd willingly seek your feet into. It's still warm and passable, though, and you slide through it with ease as you trail after a red-haired diplomat who pays you little attention other than to check that you're behind. He's somewhat handsome.

Sunderfall appears smaller than you expected, and definitely more chipper. You see no transport whatsoever, and you were given no indication that you'd be helped to the embassy with any form of it, so you amble on the roads by the empty fields, bathing in the sunlight. It really looks too chipper to be a town of demons.

"What an odd place," The diplomat finally chimes, scratching the back of his head. "I've been here many times, and it still surprises me every time I come. The more you travel, the more easily you'll feel it with each time. Say, did you fare well on the trip?"


Answer truthfully

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