Strip down and get naked right here

From Create Your Own Story

You slide your jeans down and kick them off. Next, you pull your t-shirt over your head and off and throw it on the floor. Then you slip your boxers off pulling them down with a tug and tossing them on the pile of clothes on the living room floor.

You stand at the window completely naked with your cock in hand, trusting your hips as you stroke your lengthening dick. The window is quite large and if anyone looked in they would see you from about the knee up and they would clearly see you were naked. Especially Luke who is only a few feet away from the window right now working away and totally oblivious to the fact you are so close.

Your hot cock leaks precum, that you use as lube to keep for dick wet. The thrill of you being exposed at the window has got you so turned on and now you are so close to the window the tip of your cock touches the glass as you watch Luke outside.

Just as you feel the sensations of being extremely close to cumming. He stops the lawnmower and wipes the sweat from his brow as he looks around the garden

Do you :

Tap on the window and show him your cock

Back away from the window in case he sees you

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