Spend tomorrow decoding the riddle.

From Create Your Own Story

There is no point in trying to get whatever money that might or not might be there if you don't where it is you'll be going, and with enough money for the next few days to stay at the hotel you have some time to burn.

Picking Nya up in your arms you take notice of just how much her body as filled out over the last few weeks, her chest was already well developed but the rest of her body was rather on the thin side to the point where it was unhealthy. Now her thighs were a bit thicker, her waist a little more pudgy; she was healthy, at least as far as body weight went. Everything that she could eat would vanish in seconds, there was no wonder in how she came to gain the weight but it brought a smile to your face to see how much she has changed.

The next morning is like the rest, waking up to find Nya spread about on top of you and going to eat a free breakfast. Before long your back in your room with the puzzle of understanding the riddle while Nya lays near the edge of the bed watching T.v; you think shes so lucky that she doesn't have a care in the world, but then again its not as though she could help you much... well, at least not in a way that would help you with the riddle.

"Nya, would you come sit with me?" You pat your lap gentle as Nya rolls over from the other side of the bed and crawls into your lap with a happy sigh.

Wrapping you arms around her you cuddle as she goes back to watching her show; while your eyes are fixed onto the screen you haven't a clue of what is happening your mind is miles away right. You find yourself in a difficult position, there is so much on your shoulders, not just your life but that of Nya's. When you first met her she was weak, timid and thin as a stick but now she had come so far, if she went back... all of that would be undone. Not to mention this stupid riddle you had to find out while crazy ass men in black cars were chasing after you, you're running low on funds and-

"Nya....?" Nya speaks up as she looked up from under your chin.

You hadn't noticed it but your grip had tightened on her body slightly as your hands shook, while you often don't want Nya informed to protect her you remember that she is a part of this as well.

"I'm sorry Nya... I'm- I'm just stressed out. It's hard to deal with this stuff all the time, the running, the unknown, I wasn't meant for this; after awhile you just kinda want to let it all go and forget about it... but I can't." Leaning backwards into the wall you stare up at the ceiling with frustration.

Turning around in your lap to face you Nya nudges your face with her cheek softly, you know she is trying to help and you appreciate it but its not cutting it this time. Rubbing her cheek you flash her a fake smile but she can tell right away its not genuine.

"Sorry... its not your fault. I really do appreciate it and I don't think I could have ever gotten this far without you, would have given up after the second day. But its a lot for one person to deal with." Kissing her lightly on her pink cheek she rests her chin on your shoulder and nuzzles your neck sending a shiver of a tickle down your spine.

Sensing the shiver Nya does it once again to see if it was by chance or if she had really done it but having the same reaction you jerk slightly with her face brushing you neck.

"Hey come on, that tickles." You hold back any laughter pushing back slightly with your chin but seeing your weakness Nya isn't going to give up that easily.

With a vice like grip Nya latches around your back and begin to nuzzle against your neck over and over, testing new spots, using her nose and tongue. At first your able to hold back the laughter, even try and bat her away with your hands but before long you find yourself in an uncontrollable laughter.

"No, pleas! St- stop!" You manage to croak out between gasps of breath.

Two can play at this game. Reaching for her sides it take you only but a few seconds to find her ticklish ribs and go to work making her giggle and gasp while the tickle battle go on. Wresting around on the bed you manage to pull Nya from your chest and pin her on the bed with one arm while you continue to tickle her side till the point she is gasping for air.

"Ny- Nya... Nya...."

"So does that mean I win?" You growl slightly as you lean in towards her causing her to giggle through her ragged breath.

During the whole display of rolling around with her on the bed you didn't take much notice but there is a rather large bulge that had been growing your pants from all the rubbing and touching. It wasn't you who first noticed it but Nya,after staring at it with ragged breath for a moment you take notice and are quick to back away. It hasn't been the first time that you got an erection in front of Nya or the first time she noticed but hovering over her like you were felt deeply embarrassing.

"Well I'm gonna go take a smoke." You cough and head out to the balcony.

Its dark now. The sun had long set and you awaken in the bed from a great dream. There was a smoking hot blonde chick who you managed to take home and get lucky with her; she got on her hands and knees and started to jerk you off- wait... you're still feeling it... you aren't dreaming again are you? Opening your eyes to the dimly light room to see something moving under the sheets of the bed, it doesn't take you long to figure out what and who is doing it.

"Nya?" You question her causing the small lump under the sheets to poke their fuzzy ears out from the edge of the blanket.

"Nya...." Even in the dim light you can make out her blushing face, her wide blue eyes glistening in the darkness. You feel tempted to turn the light on but your not sure how she will react... and honestly you don't really want her to stop... but you can't do this to her right? You saved her, gave her a home, food... love? Does she even know what she is doing? Curiosity? You didn't force her to, she did it on her own... should you stop her?

Do you:

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