Skip forward five years

From Create Your Own Story

Over the next five years, you give birth to three more children making four in total. Three boys and one girls.

You spend most of your time pregnant with daddy's next child, he doesn't let you get child birth and refuses to use a condom. Over the years, all you've been doing is making yourself pretty for your daddy to fuck when he gets home.

Marty, who was your first child is now turning five this year.

Sometimes your get bored and fuck other men behind daddy's back, but that's simply because he works long hours in order to support your little family. You have a sneaking suspicion that Cara, your only girl, is the result of one of your affairs, but your don't tell daddy.

For now you'll continue to screw behind his back and pump out his babies.

You're happy and always full of daddy's spunk.

Sex 18976 times You worship father's cock

Fit and curvy, very pregnant with daddy's child

You're Daddy
Physical Curvy
Relationship Sex Slave, Breeding Cattle

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