Sit with Mickey 2

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to sit by Mickey, since he has a good sense of humor. You think the two of you are starting to bond, which scares you and makes you happy at the same time. On one side, you get an ally in the Hunger Games, and on the other, at least one of you has to die...

"Hey, Celeste!" he calls out when he sees you. You grin, and sit down in the empty chair beside him. "Hiya. What'cha doing?" He laughs back, "Eating lunch, duh. You?" You giggle, before replying, "Same here."

There's a pause. "Hey, in the Games tommorow... could we be allies?" he asks you, all of a sudden.

Do you:

Say yes, you will be his ally

Say no, you won't be his ally

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