Sinks balls-deep into your ass

From Create Your Own Story

One moment, that tapered tip is kissing against your pucker. The next moment, it slips inside of you as the wolf gives a growl and a sharp jab of his hips. You groan too, seeing how he just entered your ass dry. "Nnnn... Sorry... Wrong hole..." he grunts, but continues to thrust wantonly into your ass. It isn't long before spurt after spurt of canine pre remedies the situation, the stuff making lewd squelching sounds as he fucks you. Those thrusts grow faster and more urgent, and you can feel the telltale bulge of his knot kissing against your lewdly-stretched asshole. You decide to...

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Just what you were born with

Gender Female
Species Human
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