Sex in Ancient Rome:Walk around

From Create Your Own Story

It was dark by now, but the moon still threw some pale light on the streets, allowing you to see and walk around freely. It was quiet and empty, with the echoes of your footsteps being the only available sound. The buildings were cast in a blue-light shimmer, and carved on their white walls were delicate reliefs depicting the people's gods and goddesses. There were Jupiter, king of everything and lord of the skies, his eternally jealous wife Juno and their son Apollo, among countless others. On top of Mount Olympus they lived, and watched their human subjects with interest from up above.

You stopped for a while and looked around, realizing that you were now at an empty marketplace. By day, the place would be crawling with merchants, slaves and auctioneers, but now it was desolate and peaceful. On the rooftops, you could see an owl admiring you curiously. To it, it must have been unlikely to see anyone out at night. After giving it a friendly wave of your hand, it departed, flapping its wings and gliding off into the night.

Obviously, you weren't going to find anything else at this hour, though it was a refreshing walk none the less.

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