Run out the toilets you don’t do old men

From Create Your Own Story

You panic and make a quick exit, running for the door out of the cubicle and straight to the exit running outside your eyes struggle to adjust to the light after being in the dingy bathroom.

Rubbing your eyes and stepping onto the path you hear some yelling ‘ watch out!! ‘ you turn your head and focus you eyes to see a cyclist coming straight towards you, you scream and try to move out the way, but it’s too late the cyclist has to swerve to avoid hitting you. His bike goes off the path and flying into the ditch behind the public toilet building. The cyclist falls off the bike and rolls down the steep hill with his bike slumped beside him a few feet away.

It looks like he may have really injured himself. As you look down at the accident you caused from the path at the top of the ditch,you panic and start to feel bad what do you do next

go down and check the cyclist is ok

run away in a panic

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