Run out in front of a moving car

From Create Your Own Story

You head downtown, where there are a lot of cars on the main street of town. You casually loiter for a few minutes, watching the traffic.

A gap appears and beyond it a white sports car traveling fast. You try to time it so that you dash out before the driver has time to react, but you're a little bit off. You dart out in front of the sports car and hear a squealing of brakes. The car stops about 6 inches from you and the driver jumps out.

"What the hell are you doing?" thunders a frightened male voice in your ear. The driver must have grabbed you, because you feel strong hands on your flanks.

You turn and face a very handsome young man. Your panties begin getting moist as you look at his muscular body, short brown hair and chiseled features. He looks to be just a couple of years older than you, maybe a freshman in college. His hands are still on your flanks, and his touch is sending shivers of pleasure through you. "You could have been killed!" he tells you. "You're just lucky this car has good brakes, and that I saw you out of the corner of my eye."

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