Rough up Kaya a little bit in the chair

From Create Your Own Story

You grab Kaya by the hair and pull her head back, making her scream into her tape gag. "Look at the little slut," you laugh as you slap her firmly across the cheek. "If she's smart, she'll do exactly what I say." Letting go of her hair, you crack her hard across the face with an open hand, tears rushing to her eyes as the side of her face turns bright red.

You grab a rubber dildo and remove the tape from Kaya's mouth. "Suck on it, slut," you order as you press the toy to her lips. Kaya keeps her mouth firmly clamped shut and twists her head around. A knee to her gut makes her gasp, letting you forcefully shove the rubber dick into her mouth. "You're not listening too well, bitch."

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