Rescue/I'll distract him

From Create Your Own Story

We look at each other, and we immediately know that she needs to go for Alex. She dashes past me and runs into the room. The man charges at me and I leap to the side. He slides to a stop and turns back at me, eyes ablaze. He laughs evilly and raises the saw blade above his head and brings it down as hard as he can. He underestimates his distance from me, however. The blade bounces off the floor and pulls the saw from his hands as it goes flying away. The chainsaw spins on the ground and sputters to a stop. He wastes no time to go to the saw and instead walks towards me, cracking his knuckles.

I can hear Carol shout that she freed Alex, and they come into the room. I turn to tell them to grab the chainsaw, and I am hit in the mouth by the man's fist. I fall to the ground, and my head cracks into the floor. I lose consciousness and drift off.

Meanwhile, Carol distracts the man long enough to buy Alex enough time to get the chainsaw started. He keeps the man at bay while Carol tries to call the police. The man attempts to break away and take her phone, but Alex swings the saw and clips the tip of his index finger off. Carol hangs up, and tells Alex to just hold him off a moment longer because "the cops are on their way." I feel Carol shaking me awake as I come around, and sit up. The man draws a pistol from his pocket, and screams at us.

"Alright! Playtime is fucking over, kids! You little shits are screwed." He pulls the slide, and aims the pistol at Alex. In the distance, I can hear police sirens nearing the lot. Alex begins to calm the man, but when he pulls the hammer back, he swings the saw at him again. The man drops the gun to pull his hand away fast enough, and Alex kicks it over to Carol. As I get up with her, I hear the sirens reach the lot. The police kick in the door in Alex's chamber and get the man on the ground. They take him away and give us a ride home.

The next day, we take a spontaneous road trip down to Nevada. We visit Vegas and attempt to erase the entire event from our heads with hotel booze and gambling. It works.

The End.

You achieved "All Together Now", the best ending out of six possible endings. Ending rank: 6/6


Status 95 Health Location:

Outside of the Labyrinth

Time (Est.) 12:15 PM
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