Rescue/Hide behind a heating duct and wait it out

From Create Your Own Story

I hide behind a heating duct nearby and hope he doesn't find me. I hear him knock in the door, and he shouts at me. "Stop trying to hide, you little bitch!" I hear the footsteps approaching me, and try to go around the duct to avoid him. He spots me though, and fires at me, hitting me in the foot. I scream and cry, holding my foot and rolling on the concrete roof, before he walks up to me.

"You know, you never really had a chance. The guy you're looking for TOLD me that you'd be coming and trying to kill me, but I knew you'd do no such thing." Angrily, I spit in his face, and tell him to fuck off. "Oh, you want to get snarky, bitch?" He grabs me by the throat, hoists me up, takes me to an edge of the roof, and raises the gun so that it's level with my belly button.

"Let's see you get snarky about this!" He snarls, and fires a round through my stomach. I scream again and cough up blood on the both of us. He laughs. "Die you fucking slut! Die, goddamned whore!!!" With that, he squeezes the trigger three more times, and digs three fingers into the wound, twisting them around. I cry out before my head rolls back and my eyes glaze over as I succumb to my wounds, the very life draining from me. He drops me into an open dumpster below, and the lid slams shut.

Status Dead Location:

A dumpster in an alleyway.

Time (of death) 10:28 PM
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