Rescue/Convenience Store

From Create Your Own Story

Ten minutes later, I arrive at the place. It's a simple convenience store, one that you'd see driving through any city. I keep the car running so I can get the fuck out afterwards, and check the gun before getting out of the car. It's loaded. I have put the side of the grip back in, and open the door of the car, tucking the gun into the pocket of my North Face jacket. I probably shouldn't take my favorite jacket to a robbery, but I can't really change it now. I could put it back, but then I'd have to put the gun in my pocket, making me obvious. I enter the store, and the man behind the counter greets me. I head around the store to try to look inconspicuous. The radio in the store is tuned to the rock station, and I notice the song playing, "Pardon Me" by Incubus. I smile, and grab a bottle of Mountain Dew from the back, putting it on the counter. I'm the only customer in the store right now. Good. Even better, as this is a smaller, non-chain store, there's no security camera. I begin to think of how easy this will be, and as he looks down to put the number into the cash register, I draw the pistol. He looks up to see the gun right in his face. I..

Status 100 Health Location:

A convenience store

Time 9:17 PM
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