Rebels: Ezra Bridger: Go to your old home

From Create Your Own Story

Ezra Bridger

You decide to head to your parents' abandoned home. After zigzagging for a while to throw the Imperials off your tail, you near the dilapidated apartment. You leave the speeder in an alley a few blocks away and approach the building on foot, grasping Minister Tua firmly by the arm and covering her mouth with your other hand. She stumbles helplessly, not resisting your actions in any way.

When you reach the door of the house, you realize that you can't open swipe the key card to enter without having at least one hand free. You quickly release the hand holding Minister Tua's arm and draw your lightsaber. Holding it over her neck, you use your other hand to unlock and open the door. You motion her to walk into the house.

What should you do now?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Ezra Bridger
Star Wars: Rebels

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