Rape her ass /PoS

From Create Your Own Story

You step forward again and spread the girls legs apart and line your cock up with the girls asshole. Between the saliva and tears on your dick, it doesn't take a lot of work to get in and after a few pumps the girl's various fluids coat the inside of her ass reducing the resistance so you can thrust faster.

The pain from your cock forcing its way into her ass renews the girl's crying, her hands clutching at the bed, grasping for salvation but finding nothing but pain and utter isolation causes her to scream but it's muffled from being pressed into the bed.

You thrust harder and faster, slamming your cock into her ass with enough force to smack your balls against her smooth pussy. The speed and force from your cock combined with its size threatens to rip her ass open and the pain elicits more sobbing, now accompanied by incoherent pleading, you occasionally catch the word "please."

After several minutes the pleasure becomes almost more than you can take.

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