ROTJ: Emperor Palpatine: You bring down the lightsaber

From Create Your Own Story

Emperor Palpatine

Luke's eyes widen in fear as he notes the smile on your lips.

You hold the lightsaber in your right hand. The Jedi looks at your eyes and then back to the lightsaber, struggling to rise up with whatever force is left in him. But you aren't going to let him get away that easily after all the damage he has caused. With a hard tug with your free hand, you grip the head of his cock and stretch it as far as it will go. You then bring down the lightsaber, severing Luke's penis at the base.

Luke screams in agony as his detached organ falls to the ground, his cock still hard.

"My penis!" Luke screams as he reaches to his severed dick with his stump, futilely trying to reach for the last remnants of his manhood. You walk over and pick up the penis and place it in a pocket in your robe. The boy looks at you in great pain and horror. You have claimed him as yours. The Dark Side has prevailed.

"It's nothing personal. Your father's caused quite a bit of trouble and I had to make sure history wouldn't repeat itself."

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
Emperor Palpatine
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

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