Question the Three Men

From Create Your Own Story

You walk up to them and talk to them. However they ignore you and continue to walk on. Persistent, you walk up to them and tap their shoulder trying to get their attention. They stop, and very eerily turn around and face you, all three of them not moving just looking your direction. You cannot see them, or what they are looking at, but its obvious their attention is on you now. 

You notice the tall man (Viktor) has a strange artifact, in his hand. Almost like he read your mind, he removes it out of sight and places it in his bag.

The leader pipes up and asks "What is it friend" in what can only be recognized as a think Russian accent.

Attack the Three Men (Ivan) (Follow the general structure, not details)

Attack the Three Men (Viktor) (Follow the general structure, not details)

Attack the Three Men (Rooks) (Follow the general structure, not details)

Ask about the Artifact

(Improvise and then move to Enter the mysterious store )

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