Pour liquor down your sister's throat

From Create Your Own Story

"Grab me that vodka!" you yell. Tyler runs to the kitchen and fetches the unopened bottle. He cracks open the bottle and hand it to you. You quickly kneel next to Rachel and tilt her head up.

"Whatr you doin...?" she mumbles as you bring the bottle to her lips. Without warning, you jab the neck of the bottle into her mouth and tilt it upwards. Your left had holds the bottle while your right hand clamps her lips sealed around the quickly disappearing alcohol.

"No..*gulp*...no more...I don't want to drink....please don't make me...no more...", Rachel manages to work out with tears streaming from her eyes. She weakly puts her hand on your chest and pushes, making a feeble attempt to stop you. You look into her quickly dimming eyes and swallow in silent shame as you see a glint of betrayal. As the last drop drains down into your sister's mouth and down to her stomach, she stops resisting and passes out.

You throw the bottle on the couch, satisfied that you've saved the situation. Your sister is once again limp and ready to be used as your cum receptacle.

"Damn...how much does she weigh? 100lbs? I don't think a girl her weight can handle that much liquor Alex." Jim chimes in. "Maybe we should take her to the ER or something."

Tyler put his fingers on Rachel's wrist and feels for a pulse. "Nah she's alright. Her heart beat's weak, but its still beating. She's fine."

Glad that everything is okay, you sigh in relief. After all the hard fucking, you get the urge to pee. Looking down at your sister's limp form, you get an evil idea.

"I think I know what she needs. A chaser." You pick your big sister up till shes sitting upright and grab her head.

"Someone needs to get a picture of this!" you laugh. Jim grabs her phone as you place your semi flaccid cock in her mouth and push until you feel the tip barely poke into her throat. You shudder in pleasure and begin to piss in Rachel's throat.

"Say cheese Alex." Jim laughs as he snaps a picture. You will never forget the night you used your sister as a human toilet.


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