Piggy's Day/Your left hand turns into a snake

From Create Your Own Story


The head of the snake then turns into the Groke

Groke: "We are ALL snakes!"

Piggy: "Ewww! Eww! Get off!"

You avert your eyes, and violently shake your arm to turn it back into a hand. When you open your eyes and turn back to see, you are suddenly standing up in a bunker, wearing a suit, and notice that by shaking your arm you've pulled a lever in an enourmous machine. A stick-man then runs up to you, terrified.

General: "Mr. President! That was the lever to launch all nuclear missiles!"

Then he points to an electronic map of the southeast coast of Asia, showing China, parts of Russia, Japan, Malaysia and Indonesia. Several flare-like lights appear all over Japan, and on the bottom-right corner of the map, a skull appears, and the text: "GAME OVER"

General: "Well, there goes Japan"

You fall onto your knees, hold your head in your hands, and close your eyes in shock.


Once you open your eyes, you see yourself inside a church, right next to a open coffin with a person lying dead inside.

General: "Hey, look everybody! That idiot came into a funeral wearing no pants!

The other participants in the chruch, consisting of nothing but a horde of Grokes, all laugh in unison. Strangely enough, you find not wearing pants intimidating, even though you possess neither genitalia nor a digestive system, meaning you have no requirement to wear them even in public. You wake up again.

Piggy: "Uuhhh... This is starting to seem like Inception. Better pinch myself to make sure I'm awake."

You pinch your left arm.

What happens then?:

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