Piggy's Day/Make threats to the cultists

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "I haven't got much to play here. The only thing left to do is bluff!"

You hatch up plans as to what to do and say when the cultists return. You pretend to sleep in the meanwhile. After waiting for about an hour, four cultists return with a hoverbed.

Cultist: "Tolle eam super lectum!"

You then jump up and start screaming with a foaming mouth.

Piggy: "GRAAAAAH!"

Other cultist: "Rabies!"

Another cultist: "Curre! Curre!"

One cultist tries to stab you straight away as self-protection, but you grab and bash them against the wall. They seem convinced that you are rabid, and run hastily for cover. Most begin stampeding upstairs, knowing that you aren't fast enough to follow them. However, a few people begin panicking and cause the whole lot to trip.

Piggy: "Now's my chance!"

You hop onto the hoverbed and start breezing towards the top of the stairs. However, as you run over the group of fallen over cultists, one of them gets up. As the hoverbed is programmed to always stay two feet above the ground (or in this case, the cultists), it makes a sharp incline, and hits the ceiling. You are squashed, and die.


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