Pi Pi Pi/See a new opportunity for fun in the locker room

From Create Your Own Story

On your way back to the locker you pass by the little office again and see a flier about a job working in the locker room. Underneath the flier is a box of blank applications and a box to put complete applications. The girl in the office watches you closely as you walk over to the flier and read it. Even though you are not that in to women, you feel turned on having the girl watch you.

"They'll hire pretty much anybody," the girl says, breaking the silence.

"What?" you reply, a bit surprised.

"Look. I got this job because no one wants to sit here in the smelly locker room handing out towels to people, but I can't do all the shifts. If you apply, I'm sure they will hire you."

You think it might be kind of fun to be around people as they change, so you grab an application and start to fill it out. Halfway down the application, there is a question about what locker room you are applying to work in--men's or women's. You assume that they would only hire women for the women's locker room and men for the men's locker room, but you check both boxes. You laugh to yourself at the thought of working in the men's locker room. You put the application in the completed application box and walk back to the locker where you left Dan's shirt.

You put on Dan's shirt and leave.

Where do you go next?

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing

Dan's shirt

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