Or take the lift to the first floor

From Create Your Own Story

You take the lift and get off at the first floor. The doors open and you walk along the hall way to the principals office.

The long corridor is totally silent and the only noise is your footsteps as you walk on the shining tiled floor.

You get to the principals office and knock on the door and wait.

But after a minute nothing happens.

You knock again, harder this time and as you doo the door opens a crack from the force. You slowly push the door open to the office and look in will calling out ‘hello principal Lunt?’

Still nothing.

So you push the door fully open to see an empty office.


The principals large wooden desk is right in front of you, the office has clutter everywhere and there is a strong smell of coffee in the air. You grab the pen drive out of your pocket and walk over and place it on the desk, then stop and look around a bit at file on the desk and other paperwork scattered around before turning to leave.

Do you

snoop around the office some more

leave the office

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