Ongoing Story\Monica enters

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 13: Waiting for the right time

"Monica?" You are surprised to see her. You are even more surprised to see her in a sheer cotton top and panties with now underwear underneath, obviously her sleeping attire. It is then that you realise you are still at the party, as it was Monica's house where the part was being held.

"It's me." Monica closes the door behind her and slips in, stopping beside your bed. "You're awake." She says, "You've been out cold for the last few hours."

"So I figured." You say. You are still light headed, but not in the same condition you were in before. You are also relieved that you have not suffered any real bad effects from the alcohol yet.

"My God Lisa." Monica sits down on the side of your bed, "Why did you have to do what you did? Why did you have to come out of the closet right in front of everybody at the party and publicly declare your feelings for me? Why didn't you do it discretely.... in private."

"I was desperate." You say, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"I think you embarrassed yourself more than you did me. Gosh Lisa, why didn't you tell me ages ago that you wanted me?"

"I was too scared. I was afraid you wouldn't return my feelings."

"Are you kidding? You... you are so hot and sexy.... How could any one not want you? Even another female?"

"What? You really want me?"

"God yes!" Monica replies, "But I wasn't going to admit that in front of everyone! I want you like crazy Lisa! I just wish you had been more discrete in the first place! When you passed out, I had you brought up here. My Mum rang your parents to tell them you were staying over.....Relax! She didn't tell them you were drunk."

"Thank God for that!"

"Really, I wanted you hear so that I could be with you..... That's if you still want to be with me."

"Are you kidding? Of course I still want to be with you!" You say, unable to believe your luck.

"Do.... do you want me to take my stuff off? Or do you want to do the honors?"

What do you do now?

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