Ongoing Story\Ignore their advice and keep stealing a swig every now and then

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 11: Loosening up

The evening is in full swing and your bottle of whiskey, which was 3/4s full at the beginning of the evening is now down to about a quarter full. You inhibitions are vanishing and you are really loosening up, laughing and having a good time.

Your friends are a little concerned because you seem a bit too tidly and they are worried that one of the chaperones may guess that you are inebriated. They also become a little uncomfortable when you start to flirt with them, touching their legs and moving your body close to them.

You are starting to get really horny now and your glances in Monica's direction are now becoming stares. She is looking so hot and so sexy and the more you stare the more you want her.

"I want to dance!" You suddenly say and rise to your feet clumsily.

"I'll dance with you!" One boy volunteers and rises to his feet to greet you.

"Piss off you jerk!" You say with uncharacteristic venom and push him aside roughly. You walk up to where Monica is sitting and say......"

What do you do now?

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