Office Talk - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.2)

From Create Your Own Story

After a pretty short walk, you, the principal and Céline arrive at her office. It's not an interesting ome, it's just regular like all offices. You take one seat for yourself, while the two women take place behind a desk.

???: So, who are you?

Relying on Emilia's actions, you assume that these women wouldn't be harmful in any way. Giving a false identity would only result in worse circumstances. Thus, you reveal your name.

You: My name is Keith. It's good to meet you both!

Céline: It certainly is a pleasure to meet you as well. However, would you mind telling us how you found our camp?

This would be the tricky part. You could tell the truth, but your truth is way too foolish to believe. Although your head wound could make it look trustworthy.

What will you tell the two women?

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