Offer the snack girl some dick if she gives you the caramel dissolver

From Create Your Own Story

"Hmm," the snack girl says. "You must have a really good dick if she wants to keep it in her that badly. So, yeah, I think I'd like to try a ride on it. And I can't do that unless I get you out of her."

"Wait!" the carmel girl says. "I'll give you my whole dildo collection if you don't let him have the caramel dissolver. I won't need my dildos and vibrators anymore, not now that I've got his dick in me permanently."

"Wow," the snack girl says. "A fuck session with a really good dick or a dildo collection I can keep... This won't be an easy decision."

Do you:

Health Horny Location:

The Snack Tent

MP 0
Level 4
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