NJO: kneel down and start sucking his dick!

From Create Your Own Story

His cock is already hard when you take it into your hand, but you gently stroke it anyway. Anakin lets his head fall back and closes his eyes as he takes a fist full of your hair and guides your mouth to his throbbing extension. You play with the head of his thick, long cock with your tongue as it slides in and out of your mouth. You can tell by his soft moans, and his slightly thrusting hips, that your nephew is enjoying every second of this family moment.

NJO: The sensation is to much for Anakin who blows his load in his aunt's mouth.

NJO: You stop sucking the boys cock and move him on top of you, sliding his cock into your eagerly awaiting pussy.

You are:
Mara Jade Skywalker
The New Jedi Order

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