My Roommates / Suggest a drinking game

From Create Your Own Story

My Roommates: Freshman Year

You suggest a drinking game to Tiffany, who just grins. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We should see if Ashley and Sarah want to play though. Go run out there and stop them."

Deciding that's a good idea, you quickly run out and wave down Ashley and Sarah before they leave. The two agree to put off their trip and drink with you and the three of you meet Tiffany in the living room and all sit down around quite a few bottles of liquor. Tiffany is just finishing passing out the shot glasses.

"So what kind of game are we playing?" Ashley asks, folding her legs while sitting on the couch.

"I've got a good one," Tiffany says with a grin, filling everyone shot glass. "We'll play truth or dare." All the girls giggle at that. "We go around one at a time and each person gets to ask whoever they want Truth or Dare. That person has to either do it or take a shot."

You grin, loving the idea. You can't think of a better way to get to know your roomates. Tiffany seems like an awesome person so you sit next to her with Sarah on your left and Ashley across from you. You look over at Tiffany. "Alright Tiffany, you go first!"

Tiffany just smirks then turns to you. "Ok, Rachel. Truth or Dare?"

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