Megan with the promise of beer

From Create Your Own Story

You hit the call button and wait. One ring. Two rings. She picks up, "Hello?". You respond, "How would you like to come over and hang out for a while? There's a thirty-rack here with your name on it." She laughs, "Yeah, alright. Gimme a little bit to freshen up and I'll be right over." You respond, "OK, see you soon." and hang up. You get up and make yourself presentable, but not too much so as it looks as if you overdress to just chill at home. Upon checking the fridge you discover you only have three beers, a half bottle of bottom shelf vodka, and a mysterious blue-green liquid that may or may not be alcoholic. Now you can:

Make a beer run

Come up with something to say when she arrives

Keep looking around the house for other things to drink

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