Make a dark prayer to Father Dagon, the Philistine Fish-God

From Create Your Own Story

Suddenly, you're dreaming. A nightmare, more likely.

You're deep underwater, and... something... is right ahead of you. But it's dark, you're gasping for air, and you can't tell what it is. But whatever it is, it is immense, and it is watching you.

You hear a voice inside your head. It's bubbling and gravelly, but most of all it's so cold and inhuman.

You can't make out any words. Still you understand what it says.

"Yes," you say. "I willingly surrender my body and soul. Just save my life this once. And the lives of the girls."

There's a sound of inhaled air.

"Yes, you can have them as sacrifice any time you like," you concede. "But save us now."

The deal is sealed and the voice goes silent. Suddenly, a large mass of black oily bubbles well forward to envelop you.

The dream ends and you take a big breath as you're back on the beach. The last rays of the setting sun are about to disappear, so several hours must have passed by.

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Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

The Beach

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