
From Create Your Own Story

Previous Attack Energy Shield Enemy Condition
Scythe Cannon 30 20 Moderate Damage
"Magno-tether. Let's pin him down!" you say.

<System: Selection confirmed. MT transponder detected. Activating recall device. >

A flash later and the weapon materializes in the hand of your machine. It's in the rough shape of a pistol, but instead of a barrel it has a metal plate with a spike resting against the side facing you.

Your opponent raises his arms and unloads at you with his machine guns while you suck up the hits and take careful aim. Once you've locked on to one of his arms, you fire, launching the metal plate at your opponent with a loud 'ph-toom' noise.

It sails through the air at a relatively low speed, but as it gets within about ten feet the metal plate emits a blue glow. Before your opponent can do much to avoid it, it rockets toward him and the plate connects with his arm with a loud 'thunk!'

The spike on the opposite side suddenly launches straight downward, still tied to the metal plate with a high-strength wire. Once it hits the ground the spike digs its' way downward into the earth until it is completely submerged then pulls the wire taught forcing the arm of your opponent's machine to be completely stretched out and pointed at the ground.

He continues shoot at you with his free hand as he tugs and pulls on the tether to try and free himself from the ground.

<System: Reloading... >

A new plate simply appears in the weapon, ready to be fired, thanks to your recall device.

'Ph-toom!' your weapon says as you launch it without hesitation.

'Thunk!' the plate replies as it the magnetized metal plate sticks to your opponent's other arm.

<System: Shields down to 20% however they are no longer sustaining damage. >

You launch a couple more Magno-Tethers until your opponent's machine has two on its' torso, and one on each limb completely pinning it.

<System: Energy reserves down to 30%. >

You can see your opponent struggling to free himself, unloading a hail of gunfire from his machine guns at the ground in an effort to shoot the wire holding his arms and snap it.

<System: Attention. The transponder signals of all ordinance are once again detectable. All weapons are at your disposal. However, I am not recieving full information from all of them. Power consumption figures are missing. Excercise caution. >

You have him right where you want him, and you can think of two weapons you can use to take him down.

Select Your Action
Earthbreaker Attack Fork
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