MOTDE: Slash your sword together with hers then smack her chin with the hilt of your weapon B2

From Create Your Own Story

You and Solaria warily circle each other, waiting for an opportunity. Both of you move simultaneously as your swords slash out. There is a loud clanking sound as the swords bounce off each other.

You shoot your hand forward to smash Solaria's chin with the sword hilt, but at the last instant she sees your move and snaps her head backwards. The hilt of your sword just misses its target but Solaria's defensive move has thrown her off balance. You lunge forward and smash your forearm into her exposed ribcage, driving Solaria to the ground.

She rolls away from you before you can inflict more damage. "I will defeat you, Daine!" she growls.

"Prove it, you Valonian varlet," you growl, swinging your sword in front of you as Solaria rises to her feet. "I will show the superiority of all things Char!"

Solaria's anger overflows as she charges towards you with her sword pointed straight at your belly. You let her charge and with a well-practiced movement you step out of the way and with a quick wrist flick knock Solaria's sword loose from her grasp. It skitters into a corner. Before Solaria can recover you smash her in the head with your sword hilt and she drops to the floor. You kneel over her prone body and place the tip of your sword at her neck.

"You vermin-ridden Valonian whore," you hiss. "It would be my great pleasure to kill you. But I will not, because it will be an even greater pleasure, when all is done, to make you my slave." You spit onto Solaria's face, which has an expression of pure rage.

"It isn't over!" Solaria growls. "I will yet defeat you, Daine!"

"I'd love to explore your fuckholes, you pathetic Valonian weakling," you say, rising to your feet. "But all in good time. The surface Queen and her daughters await me."

Solaria scrambles to her feet and races over to retrieve her fallen sword. "You mean they await me, you Char scum!"

All alone you run through the empathy corridors of the wooden, surface-elven palace. Anxiety starts filling your mind as you search for your lost huntresses. It´s not their well being your worried off, but the condition of the Queen and her daughters. If they are lost, then not only do you lose the opportunity to fuck the most valuable of slaves, but you will also lose items to Solaria in the competition. Losing to that bitch is not an option.

After what feels like hours of searching do you find slain bodies that you identify as members of the royal court. Conflict had erupted here between your huntresses and Solaria´s dogs. You follow the trail of bodies and blood. Turning a corner you suddenly find yourself face to face with your military unit.

"High-Huntress!" They say with sudden surprise. They look startled at seeing you, something went wrong.

You step into the room. "What happened?" You ask. "Where is the surface-Queen and her whore, virgin daughters?"

Trix moves forward. "They are safe, High-Huntress. But... but..."

"But what, Trix?" you ask.

Trix silently gestures to a body on the floor. You turn it over and realize it's Minvir. She is dead, the cold emptiness in her gray eyes leave no doubt of that, Solaria's dogs somehow killed her! You feel a surge of rage, it fills, and consumes your mind. "Solaria," you hiss softly. "I will pay you back tenfold for this insult. When I enslave you you will wish you were dead."

Minvir had been your longest serving companjon. She was there when you first joined the huntresses of Char. Togheter you desended through the ranks, she was always vigilant, and subserviant to your command without hesitation. Your oldest and most trustworthy companion, murdered at the hands of clan Valon.

There is a long pause with all huntresses staring at you anxiously.

"Everyone kneel." You finally say.

The huntresses does so without hesitation. "Sister Treccia, where is the surface Queen and her virgin daughters?"

"In the room behind us High-Huntress," she says and points at a large door right behind your huntresses. "It´s her private chambers. We tied the big-titted Queen and her daughters to her royal bed. We deemed it... appropriate for their enslavement night."

You nod in appreciation. Fucking that arrogant surface-elven Queen´s pussy and ass, as well as those of her daughters, in her own private bed will feel good.

"Minvir was a trusted comrade and she fell honorably, defending our prizes from Solaria's dogs," you say. "She died to uphold the glory of Char. But she is gone nonetheless. What I need now is, a new second-in-command,"

The eyes of your huntresses light up like fire. Now the anxiety really kicks in. A higher position, more power, more prestige and honor, it´s what they are all searching for.

Your first thoughts drift to Rainye. She would be the obvious choice with her military skills and personal connections to you. But she is disqualified due to her background. Rainye hails from a vassal Clan of Char, she is not entitled to such an honorable position. Second-in-command of the huntresses of Char can only be awarded to one of pure Char blood, anything else would be a disgrace to your Clan´s honor, you wouldn´t give her the position even if you could. Rainye may be a extremely loyal vassal and highly proven ally, but she´s still just a servant and will always be.

With Rainye out of the question your thoughts drift to your sister Treccia. You quickly dismiss her, her loyalty is assured but you do not think she has the leadership quality's or general battle skills to be your second-in-command.

The qualities you're looking for are youth, ambition, swordsmanship and leadership, loyalty, but also the graceful beauty to handle the position of second-in-command. You think for a long while.

"Trix," you finally announce with a loud, stern voice.

"Yes High-Huntress!" She yelps like a blissful little girl.

The glow in the eyes of the other huntresses is put out but is magnified ten times in the eyes of Trix. You step up to the kneeling young dark elf and put your hand on top of her milk white hair and dig your fingers into her skull. She looks at you with a fawning gaze, ecstatic over being the chosen one.

"You are my new second-in-command Trix of Char. Do NOT fail me."

"I will not fail you High-Huntress! Your will is my law and by the noble blood in my veins I shall uphold it no matter what the consequences!" She yells resolutely.

"Good," you say with a appeased voice then pat your new second-in-command on her cheek. "Now, let´s open this door and see what pleasures this elven Queen and her whore daughters have to offer their mistress, me."

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