
From Create Your Own Story

You realize that you need something else to do now... you take heavy steps down stairs and head towards your living room. You slump down into the couch, wondering why you're in your childhood home again.

You don't think you feel any differently from when you did when you were actually 18. You're still shy and unsure of yourself, but it's great to be young again and around your family. You ponder on how you're going to live this lifetime... the things you'll do differently, the missed opportunities and everything else you wished you did differently.

Your concentration is broken when you hear the hustle and bustle of people moving about, trying to get on with their day also. You realize you don't have any plans and that you could always try to tag along with somebody. Or you can laze around all day...

You sigh to yourself... you're still thinking like an old man. You should be a go-getter and do something worthwhile while you still can. You're young and healthy and on the verge of life!

You stand up and... shrink back into your seat. Who are you kidding... it'll take 80 years to grow out of being you for 80 years.

Since you don't have a plan at all, you really could just tag along with someone. Or, you could always go somewhere to cheer yourself up. You think of all the people and active places before you decide...


Stay home

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