MKOT Wants to go shopping?

From Create Your Own Story

Suddenly, Mrs.Garcia looks over joyed about the situation. Her eyes lighting up as a smile spreads across her face.

"I know just the thing! There is only one thing we can do in this situation....SHOPPING! And...there is only one thing better than shopping..."

She pauses for a moment as if waiting for a response from you, but with your dumbstruck face she concludes with:

"Shopping with someone else's money! In this case....."

She digs into her purse that was near by on the counter, pulling out a credit card.

"Spending my husband's money!"

You never expected to see someone so excited about buying new clothes, especially not when that same person already has a house filled with them. And on top of that doesn't she have any money? Why does she have to spend Mr.Garcia's money?

What do you decide to do?

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